MUST READ - How to turn $200,000 into $500,000 Guaranteed to work for ANYONE!

Get the $200,000 in cash, and take it to a small or medium-sized bank with which you don’t have an account. Demand to speak to the president about making a big deposit. The president needs to be male in order for this trick to work. Try to get the meeting before 10:30 am.
Once you’re in a meeting with the president, take out all the money, and try to get him to ask you where you got all this money from. Once he asks you, tell him “I’m a professional gambler”. Inevitably, you’re going to be asked what you gamble on. You’ll say that you gamble on things that seem impossible to happen. He asks you for an example.
“Well, here’s an example”, you say. “I’ll bet you this $200,000 right here that you’ll wake up tomorrow morning with square testicles”.
“Square testicles?!”, he asks you. How could such a thing be possible to pull off? Certain that it won’t happen, the president takes the bet. There’s now $200,000 riding on your ability to make the bank’s president’s testicles square. Seems like a sure way to lose it, right? The money is put in a plastic bag, and gets put away in the president’s desk drawer. You set a meeting for 9:00 am the next day, and you will bring witnesses to ensure a fair outcome.
It should now be about 11:00 am. You now have six hours to go to various lawyers/bankers/doctors and convince five of them to bet $100,000 each, that tomorrow morning, you’ll be holding the testicles of the bank’s president. Once you get them to take the bet, tell them to come to the bank president’s office at 9:00 am tomorrow, and to bring the money.
Fast forward to tomorrow. It’s 9:00 am, you arrive at the president’s office with your five bettors, each with $100,000 in cash. The president arrives with a worried look on his face, unable to make eye contact with you. He goes to his desk, takes out the plastic bag with your $200,000, takes $200,000 of his own money out of his briefcase, and places it on the desk.
You say to the president, “I’ve brought five witnesses for our bet. Can you please state the terms of our wager for everyone to hear?”
“Yes. You bet me $200,000 that this morning I would wake up with square testicles.”
“So we’re in agreement. Is that what happened?”.
“It most certainly did not happen. Not a thing changed!”
“Really? That’s odd. Surely, you wouldn’t mind if I was to check, would you?”
“You may be my guest!”, says the president, as he undoes his belt and pulls down his trousers and underwear.
Your bettors now see what’s about to happen, as they all start to curse in agony.
You reach over to briefly inspect his testicles, to find that they have, indeed, remained in their normal shape.
“Well gosh darn it. I guess you’ve won $200,000 from me, sir. Wise choice on the bet!”
“Thank you very much. But what are these guys all upset about?”
I bet all of these guys $100,000 each that I’d be holding the testicles of the bank’s president this morning - and none of them believed me!
5 x $100,000 - and you’ve got yourself $500,000!

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